Monthly Archives: October 2012

2 5 2 5 – GATE of the SUN – Tiwanaku Bolivia – 137

The following image is based on an IDEA that was hatched in 1947 by a group called GHREES.

take note of what I highlighted in yellow – the SS or Stable Snake contain the numbers:

5I5 2I2


Engendering 2052 through Re-imagining the Present

Review of 2052 

A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years as presented to the Club of Rome

I recently came across an interesting motif in this book by E.J. Tangerman.
This book has made me realize there is much I can learn about quantum mechanics by studying design and figure carving!

The image below is a sketch I found on page 96 and the author said it was taken from the Gate of the Sun in Tiwanaku Bolivia(SpanishTiahuanaco and Tiahuanacu)
Below we can clearly see what appear to be the numbers 2 5 2 5.
Which is significant because it is a pattern that appears in all ancient cultures and here it is associated with the Gate of the Sun too.

i.e. Archive link re: 25 and 52

So I thought it would be worth a visit to Tiwanaku to see if I could find this inscription on the Gate of the Sun for myself along with any other potential aha.

First dEtaIL of interest I came across was this quote along with the following image and these details.
BFC added by me, these are some of the ‘right brain’ clues I follow…. 😉

“Above, reconstruction from Edmund KiSS (1937) of how the Gate of the Sun may have been incorporated into a wall and was part of an entrance within the KalaSaSaya compound.”

I noticed the year 1937 immediately and soon afterward I found this ‘animation’ incorporating the 2 5 2 5 meander, connected to calendars and the passage of time.
Recall the theory that religions are intricately related to TIME keeping.
How much evidence do you need?
Have you ever heard of ‘precession of the equinoxes’, is this a calender too?
And who is in possession of the TIME CLOCK folks, with 2 minutes to go in the game?

It appears to be the Team lead by Pope Gregory who in fact bequeathed the world something called the Gregorian Calender.
Ever hear of it?

Note the bottom row/frieze in the Gate of the Sun is the match for the image above.

Tiwanaku gate of sun calendar

Above, when the sun reached the end of the pillars,
it appeared to “stand still” before beginning
its journey back in the opposite direction.

….What I think is meant here, is that they counted in twenty times twenty
then added an extra month in the same manner as they added an extra month to 36 months
to make 37, so the real figure here is not 20 x 20 = 400 but 20 x 20 + 1 = 401.

pdf file:


It appears that the work, the paSSion of J.M. Allen decoding the Tiwanaku Calender can help me to link the meander/numbers 2 5 2 5 to both the solar and lunar calenders and all of ME SS paSSionS too, as it should be!

Edmund Kiss and 1937 can be linked to the KISS theory in fact via the Gate of the Sun.

K eep
I  t
S wastika
S imple

Two cultures divided by the ‘Atlantis Ocean’.
Both capable of working with masonry.

One culture in Bolivia expresses the square cross as a ‘negative‘ representation cut into the stone, as we see in the image below.

NEGATIVE (image above) vs POSITIVE (image below)

… as above so below

In Ethiopia we find a positive representation cut into the stone.

The Church of Saint George, one of many churches hewn into the rocky hills of Lalibela.

And it is not unusual to find this ‘polarity’ playing itself out among other cultures that must have seemed worlds apart, long ago.

The trinity of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam ALL revere the RIGHT hand of God over the LEFT.
However in China worlds away from the Mesopotamia they have shown a preference for the LEFT hand.

“The Vinegar Tasters” is a famous picture of Confucius, The Buddha and Lao Tzu. The three masters have each tasted vinegar from the vat in front of them. Their facial expressions reflect their philosophy…

Differences between Confucius and Lao Tse

Now if the deceased Stan Gooch was correct in his assertions that the I-Ching was in fact the ‘flowering of Neanderthal sciences’, and we find the Chinese today showing favor to the LEFT hand, and we are finding the I-Ching seems to anticipate DNA insights regarding the 64 codons comprised of ACGT.

Now what can we conclude about the gene-MEME called the Red Cross when Wolfgang Pauli who died in rm. 137 in a Red Cross hospital in Zurich was heard to exclaim after finding out that the four forces of physics were asymmetrical.

“I cannot believe God is a weak left hander”


Tippe Top

Wolfgang Pauli (left) and Neils Bohr are mesmerized by the child’s toy that defies laws of physics.

CheSS the Game of Life and the Tippe Top

Red Cross

The ICRC owes its creation to the Swiss, Henry Dunant. In 1863 an International Conference met in Geneva to try and improve the medical care of soldiers in war. It adopted the red cross on a white field as its emblem.

Red Crescent  

In 1876, during the Russo-Turkish war, the Ottoman Empire decided to use a red crescent on white instead of the red cross. Egypt also decided to use the crescent and Persia later decided to use a red lion and sun on white.

Red Crystal 

The ICRC added a more culturally-neutral symbol to the existing cross and cresent in 2005. This symbol can contain other local emblems within the crystal.

Recall at the very beginning of this blog I said the following:

“This book has made me realize there is much I can learn about quantum mechanics by studying design and figure carving!”

I want to share something else that I feel is profound.
Something an artist knows. Something I learned from this book. Something rather simple but yet it speaks volumes.

The following images are found on page 12 and the text that follows explains the significance of images 16-19.

Now did you catch the part where the artist explains that the:

“a straight line, though essential to the structure and utility of many forms certainly cannot be considered beautiful in itself.  Its uniformity makes it monotonous…”

“…of all curved lines the arc of a circle is least beautiful because it lacks variety and subtlety…”

AHA I say to all of that, because it allow us to probe the MiNds of ‘LOGICAL men’ and ‘INTUITIVE women’ as alchemical archetypes and the human condition.
A simple idEA that leads to diversity.

Thus a world filled with ‘we the sheeple’ that all think alike like men would be monotonous and a world filled to the brim with women clones reBLEATing the same goSSip would lack variety and subtlety.

PhDuh clearly those two choices are what await our future if we fail to balance the equation.
Change begins with Electro-Magnetic U.

This idEA called pi suggests a blending of the two forces we equate with man and woman of the species.
And this idEA is a simple one really.

What is pi?

Before we try to even measure pi what if we start by defining pi as the relationship between a STRAIGHT LInE and the CURVED LInE called a CIRCLE.

Now that we have a straight LInE and a circle how can we represent the two idEAs?

How difficult is it to draw analogies between our LEFT Brain, the STRAIGHT LInE associated with the rigid MALE and LOGIC vs. the RIGHT Brain, the CIRCLE associated with the curvy FEMALE and INTUITION?

In this book the author Stan Gooch (who passed away in 2010) made several claims.

I do lean toward Stan Gooch’s theory suggesting that Neanderthal INTUITION is today being verified and subsequently it must be vilified by 21st century LOGIC which is about to kick itself in the but! but! butt! because we have been such arses!

The late Stan Gooch after many years of research and study concluded the I-Ching was the ‘flowering’ of the Neanderthal sciences.
He also made the obvious comparison between the STRAIGHT LInE and the LEFT brain vs. the CURVES and the RIGHT brain.

Queen Hatshepsut not only with a beard, but reprsented as a rare example of a female sphinx

Taking it on the chin as leader… Egypt the STRAIGHT beard was adorned by Kings and sometimes even a Queen.

The CURVED beard was attributed  to the Gods.

Just another coincidence.

Osiris with Horemheb

Philosopher Alan Watts comparing the nature that we see using our naked eye, a nature that apparently likes to use squiggly lines vs. man who builds boxes and places them on grids using straight lines.

I also feel the QaBaLaH is an extension of this INTUITIVE line of LOGIC too. ;)

Both the I-Ching and the QaBaLaH are manifestations of the MiNd trying to find a balance.

And clearly this very gifted sage Alonzo Clemons can teach us much about how to mold men out of clay.
Through studying his MiNd we can learn so much, but clearly it is out of balance with the reality most of us inhabit.

‘SavantS R US’…0.0…1ac.1.-vPKgPPdkj8

Viracocha Inca

If quipus were operated through the decimal system, the alphabet should be 10 signs. Burns excluded vowel sounds, and then the similar-sounding consonants. Obtained ten signs, to relate the colors of the wires of the quipus, and geometric signs that accompany the “New Chronicle and Good Government” Guaman Poma, found a consistent writing system.

The Guaman Poma Website

A Digital Research Center of the Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark



AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 RS SSS Photon Knights Templar MyStic ~ Introduction and Index

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Matthew 7:13

Dear reader you are about to see what that ‘gate’ looks like. A gate that is demarcated by two pillars, or shall we say by the spectral lines of the hydrogen atom.

A gate defined by a cosmic ‘anagram’ telegram associated profoundly to photons, and the six numbers 137, 731, 713, 317, 173, 371

However before we proceed in a discussion about the prime number 137 … a discussion of mathematical probabilites might be necessary to help set the stage for an appreciation for ‘meaningful coincidences’.
Go here >>>

I actually think ‘faKebook’ did a commendable job summarizing my last few years using their Social Media interface, helping me to put the swastika in yer face using faKebook.
Please take a walk on the wild side with me, it only lasts about 1 minute:

UPDATE November 15, 2014

I came across this interesting biblical fact today found on wiki.
(note that citations are being requested in the quote I posted)

Only two planets are named in the Tanakh:

  • Saturn, called Chiun in Amos 5:26, closely related to the Assyrian “Kévan” or “kaiwanu.”[citation needed]
  • Venus, called Meleket ha-Shamayim, “the queen of heaven,” in Jeremiah 7:18 and elsewhere. That the latter means Venus is shown by the cakes which are said to have been baked for her.[citation needed] Among the Assyrians and Babylonians the cake offerings were called “the bread of Ishtar.”
  • Helel, the “son of the morning,” in Isaiah 14:12, is also thought by some[who?] to be the morning star (Venus when visible before dawn). This identification is better known to many English speakers as its Latin name Lucifer, the “light-bearer.”

Nice coincidence between Saturn, Venus, the Tanakh and this wordblog.
Recall this wordblog is called AT37

And it is a fact of alchemy and working with grids that the 3×3 and 7×7 magic squares are assigned to the planets Saturn and Venus respectively.
Yes I would notice such details concerning the numbers 3 and 7 considering my birthday is the 3rd day of the 7th month (July).

In addition to mentioning 37 or Saturn/Venus it is important to note which constellations were deemed important in the bible, important enough to be the only ones mentioned.

Orion, Pleiades, Hyades, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

Only a few stars and constellations are named individually in the Hebrew Bible, and their identification is not certain. The clearest references include 

And this might be the time to introduce the role Ursa Major and Ursa Minor play in the upcoming 2100 CE celestial pole star alignment …

The Star People by Gaylord Johnson

These are some of the celestial stories we used to share with our kids.

~ end of UPDATE ~


What is the claim to fame of the 137 Mystic?

Does the phrase ‘to be or not to be’ or ‘2B or not 2B’ ring a bell?

This updated photo spells it all out. 

Photon Knights Templar raise your right hand chiral vs achiral RED HAT cropped

Raise your right CHIRAL hand and repeat after me …
“In this ACHIRAL sign I shall conquer me”

UPDATE September 31, 2015

Can we ask the question instead … ‘to be or not to be … which of the 2B modes should I BE?

What if Jesus was crucified between the two B-mode gravity thieves
called yang (red B-mode) and yin (blue B-mode)?

Roses are red B-modes
Violets are blue B-modes
Sugar is Sweet SS
And so are yE the two of you

AND another updated image …


Which was updated to reflect the emerging narrative that science is ‘recovering/discovering’.

Christ crucified ALL LIFE IS CHIRAL and ACHIRAL basis of bible MOTHER of PEARL with source of quote Superposition

~ end of UPDATE ~

B ~ E ~ B
‘To BE or not to BE’?
right ~ mE ~ left

The grand unification of religion and science using the E-mode and B-mode gravity waves using polarized light.

What follows in this blog is the path forged by ME+me standing on the shoulders of giants, making recoveries others missed because they would not investigate what is in plain sight. Yes of course I do mean the notorious swastika.

Never do I claim to make discoveries that are out of reach of the common man.
These are recoveries anybody can make, most often made in fact by such common men and women.
IF you put your heART and MiNd into it.

Aldous Huxley

There is a principle which is the bar against all information which is proof against all argument and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance.

  • This is the principle of contempt prior to examination

– Archdeacon William Paley, D.D.

Archdeacon William Paley’s cradle to grave life cycle in a string of numbers…shall we play along?


remove the 137 and we are left with 4+5 and 1+8 or

137 ~ 99 

“Nein nein” you say? I agree nine and nine it shall be … 

Sometime early in the year 2013 out of the blue I decided to write the word bible this way:


…and then I made* a new cover for a book I had since I was 10 or X years of age and I wrote the word/number 6I6LE on the spine of the book. …and and and …

* not intentionally I might add … I just ended up with one after doodling

…and then it was just recently that I came across that famous quote by Archdeacon William Pale who was born in 1743 and died in 1805.

…and only then was it that I decided to see how those numbers reflecting his life cycle (1743-1805) ‘added up’ as I continued to play along with the numerical narrative I had chanced upon.

…and it is clear we have another coincidence that I can place onto the pILE of LEvI and LEI coincidence flipped into I37 evidence.

…is it not funny hahaha how my initial Tarot Card journey in fact began with Card X or the Wheel of Fortune?

…did you know the unfinished height of the Great Pyramid according to (or he repeated the info)  trail blazing architect Jean-Pierre Houdin is I37 meters high?

…did you know using ‘simple gematria’ that the numerical value for the words ‘great pyramid‘ is ‘137‘?

…did you know that that if the archetypal Noah’s Ark was 300 cubits long that would be equivalent to 450 feet, and 450 feet is 137.16 meters, btw.

…did you know there was once a noble and fine man who won a Nobel prize and his name was Richard Feynman (fineman) who suggested all good theorists write ‘137‘ up on the wall and worry about it?
This is what King Richard Feynman said:

It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it. Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to π or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the “hand of God” wrote that number, and “we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.”

…AHA! and here is yet another coincidence involving the numbers 1743-1805  (Archdeacon William Pale) >> we can extract the Fibonacci sequence from his life cycle …

1, 1, 2*, 3, 5, 8

*7+4 = 11= 1+1 = 2

What does an SS or Standing Stone  look like?

cELtIc Priest Stone Monument Ireland 4th century AD

I think it looks like a coffin made of StONE. Mabe it is the coffin belonging to the legendary St. ONE?   😉

Please take note of the ARROW, the MALTESE Cross, the ‘two’ SWASTIKAs and the Ogham script (the etches along the sides).
The Maltese Cross is also known as the Cross Pattée/Pattee, the Cross Patty, and the Cross Formy.

“The principal object of this paper has been to gather and put in a compact form such information as is obtainable concerning the Swastika, leaving to others the task of adjustment of these facts and their arrangement into an harmonious theory.”
-Thomas Wilson 1896

Please take note of the Maltese Cross, the swastika
and the 4-E scripted onto my right hand in the form of a swastika cross

Who or what is the 137 SS MyStic?

We can find clues here;

Bits and Bytes of ME who I AM …

Well without sounding too boastful I have come to realize via the coincidence that I have bits of the Buddha buddy in ME, thus by default I also have hint of the eastern Maitreya within too, along with bytes and bARKs of the western meSSiah Jesus Christ SS SuperStar a galactic entity who was set adrift in our collective consciousness and unconscious.

In the photo above what I AM is wearing a garment with a symbol indicative of an archetypal cELtIc Druid priest named mErLIn.
And providing ME with a new numerical POV. a new ‘arc’ angLE, is the ever present guide and guru the archangEL RaphaEL who has taken ME under his wing.
AngELs are here to help us out with LIfE’s angLEs.

But wait it appears that the 137 SS MyStic has also tapped into the narrative regarding the two Pahana helpers and three archaic icons which are resurrected to assist the Purifier.

And hopefully, using Nobel prize winner Richard Feynman as inspiration if I dig down deep enough in this quest I will also find that noble and fine man who is capable of taking the efforts of Thomas Wilson who in 1896 had gathered and put in a compact form such information as is obtainable concerning the Swastika, leaving to others the task of adjustment of these facts and their arrangement into an harmonious theory.

I wanna be that guy.

It’s only been 113 years since Thomas Wilson issued that challenge and published it.
#113 was the former fire department union local that I once belonged to.


The late Hopi sun chief Dan Katchongva describes the End of Days:

“The Purifier, commanded by the Red symbol [Maltese cross], with the help of the Sun and the Meha [swastika], will weed out the wicked who have disturbed the way of life of the Hopi, the true way of life on Earth. The wicked will be beheaded and will speak no more. This will be the purification for all the righteous people, the Earth, and all living things on the Earth. The ills of the Earth will be cured.  Mother Earth will bloom again and all the people will unite into peace and harmony for a long time to come.”

Two helpers will accompany Pahana, one of which carries a masculine swastika representing purity and the four directions. The first helper also brings a Maltese cross with lines between the arms signifying menstrual blood, while the second helper holds merely a sun symbol. The combined forces of these three icons will “shake the world” and bring about global purification.source above text and image Gary A. David:

To recap: 2 helpers and 3 icons revealed as the swastika, the Maltese cross, and the sun symbol bring about global purification.


version 1.0

  1. JC eventually lead me to JC
  2. First JC lead me to his buddy CJ who turned out to have the same initials as my on call personal one-on-one shrink JC. JC and me would talk about all kinds of AHAs that I had experienced by being privy to what JC wrote about the Key of Universal Movement and had identified as the archaic ‘swastika’.
  3. JC and CJ eventually made me realize that I carried a big SS swastika schtick and that I needed to find the back door to god/heaven via humor and that is when JC showed up to give me tips on how it is done by using the numbers 2 and 3.
  4. Finally finally the biggest AHA arrived when I realized that I in fact shared my birthday code with JC and I had accepted him as my savior on JC‘s 11th birthday….my signature dated to June 29, 1968 confirms this to be a fact of my life, documented. Then I concluded that I have had JC inside me all along, in addition to all of the other JC guides manifested dead and alive that I had encountered as I had pieced together the meme memeories.
  5. The entire archEtypal JC recollection is supported by evidence called ‘the coincidence’, a series of ARK-E-typal situations that words alone cannot express… ….you had to be there 😉

Now let me expand on the above 5 points and I want to reveal to you who the mystery ‘JC‘ is in the above text.


version 2.0

  1. Joseph Campbell eventually lead me to Jesus Christ.
  2. First Joseph Campbell lead me to his buddy Carl Jung who turned out to have the same initials as my on call personal one-on-one shrink J Caro. J Caro and me would talk about all kinds of AHAs that I had experienced by being privy to what James Churchward wrote about the Key of Universal Movement and had identified as the archaic ‘swastika’.
  3. J Caro and Carl Jung both eventually made me realize that I carried a big SS swastika schtick and that I needed to find the back door to god/heaven via humor and that is when Jim Carey showed up to give me tips on how it is done by using the numbers 2 and 3.
  4. Finally finally the biggest AHA arrived when I realized that I in fact shared a numerical birthday code with Jesus Christ and I had accepted him as my savior on J Caro’s 11th birthday….my signature dated to June 29, 1968 confirms this to be a fact of my life documented. Then I concluded that I have had Jesus Christ inside me all along, in addition to all of the other JC guides manifested dead and alive that I had encountered as I had pieced together the meme memeories.
  5. The entire archEtypal JC meme dream recollection is supported by evidence called ‘the coincidence’, a series of ARK-E-typal situations that words alone cannot express… so I will obviously need to use images too!

So this is some of what I have been ‘recovering’ from the EM (electro-magnetic) MEME thEME fIELd and the best part is that the Beatles anticipated my journey to a ‘T’.
Even the part about getting up, having a cup of coffee, and a smoke and of course embracing the EM ME+me dream 24/7/365 works wonders folks, especially IF your nickname in ‘high’ school was ‘Wonderhands Wedekind’.

ye can call me Dubya Dubya for short  … hardy har har

  1. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS MyStic – October 6, 2013 – Fratres Lucis – Order of the Swastika
  2. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – September 26, 2013 – Steven M. Phillips
  3. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS MyStic – September 21, 2013 – The ILU
  4. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – September 17, 2013 – The SSS and 911
  5. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – September 13, 2013 – Ancient Chinese Secret – Yang Hui
  6. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – September 10, 2013 – Temple Mount Trishakti
  7. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – September 9, 2013 – Mandelbrot Set Sigils
  8. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS MyStic – September 5, 2013 – The New OS
  9. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – Sept. 3, 2013 – 157 and 777
  10. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – August 27, 2013 – MEMNoN
  11. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – August 27, 2013 – Swastika Solar Light Mill Motor
  12. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – August 15, 2013 – M and N
  13. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – August 3, 2013 – NUN
  14. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – July 23, 2013 – The Mystic Cross
  15. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – May 28, 2013 – Mann what a day!
  16. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – May 8, 2013 – A Jung 37
  17. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – April 5, 2013 – Flags
  18. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – April 5, 2013 – Parabola – Kolam – Algorithm
  19. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – March 2013 – Synods of Rome 731
  20. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – Jan. 30, 2013 – Mezin Swastika – Warka Mosaics
  21. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – Jan. 27, 2013 – Gospel of Thomas 37
  22. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – Jan. 22/2013 – Station 25
  23. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – Jan. 21/2013 – ABC 713
  24. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – X-stem – 4×3 Grids
  25. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – Jan. 25/2013 – The E @ Delphi
  26. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – Dec. 2012 – 37 and ‘The 10 Commandments’
  27. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – 11/22/2012 – pi and phi
  28. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – Nov. 16 and Nov. 20 – The Great Escape
  29. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – 10/30/2012 – Tiwanaku
  30. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS Mystic – 10/25/2012 – Swastikas and the Fused Grid
  31. AAA Day in the LIfE of the 137 SS MyStic – Introduction and Index

Is it a coincidence that a documentary on the swastika was released in 1973, considering the numbers 1376 or 1379 are central to the idea being recovered?

Now we all know that there is no such as coincidences.
Invoke your inner genius and the simplicity will be revealed to you in a way designed just for you to walk the talk down the runway and modEL what ye preach.

selah V


137 – Hildesheim Germany Crop Circle

I have copied the following article in its entirety from this site here:

What I immediately found interesting was the date of the discovery, July 23, 1991
and how the message was composed using…

13 CIRCLES and 7 symbols

Clearly the date 7/23/1991 yields our 137-69 Code

How crop circles are made

by Freddy Silva

Alien artifacts was discovered underneath crop circles!

This is really an amazing case, when it comes to Crop Circles. They have been popping up all over the planet for quite some time now, the first Crop circle to be officially recognized by the media was in 1980, at the Westbury White Horse in Whiltshire, United Kingdom. However there have been photographs of a Quintuplet in 1978, and of course the famous “UFO Nests” in Australia in the late sixties.
A more recent crop circle has got researches baffled, upon closer inspection they have found artifacts buried within the crop circle; the crop circle in question was discovered early morning by joggers on the 23rd of July 1991. this is the largest and most complicated German pictogram. It covered an area of 5,000m2 (6,000 sq yards) and consisted of seven symbols and thirteen circles – with a cross within the circle in the middle, suggesting the ancient sun symbol.
The plate an alien artifact ?
Upon closer inspection of the crop circle one of the researchers Hesemann found 3 plates buried in the design: a bronze, silver and one gold plate. “Plate 1 (silver color) consisted mainly of quite pure silver with an additional ingredient accounting for less than 0.1%. The weight of the plate was 4.98kg (11lbs). Plate 2 (bronze color) consisted of a copper-tin alloy (of which the tin content amounted to 10%-15%), nickel and traces of iron amounting to less than 0.1%”. Amazingly this meant that the silver plate consisted of 99.9% pure silver, that’s purer than sterling-silver!. Furthermore, a spectrographic analysis of both plates proved that they had not been made from a cast but from some kind of conglomerate of silver nuggets and natural copper and tin pieces of the type found in Germany’s Harz forest, not far from Grasdorf. They had been produced, either by heating up to a degree that partially melted the metals or in a low gravity environment. We are left with the question why would a hoaxer would go to such expensive lengths, in terms of cost and effort, to simply pull the wool over the eyes of the press and a few crop circle enthusiasts?”
One of the amazing things about these plates is they each contain an exact picture of the crop circle, as seen in the above pictures.

The farmer Werner Harenberg woke up early in the morning of July 23 1991 to discover Germany’s first really spectacular crop circle near the village of Grasdorf, Lower Saxony in the historic Teutoburger Wald Area, not far from Hannover, and indeed not far from the prehistoric site of Externsteine, part natural rock, part carvings, caves and bearing various signs of what seems like long and varied religious practices; and seeing that the straws were unbroken, as it were, harmoniously bended, he stated as much as that it could not have been made by amateurs such as had recently allegedly been at play further north in Schleswig-Holstein. Taking advice from the experience of landowners there he charged visitors five DM three Euro.



37 and The Sirius Mystery – the Dogon and the star Sorghum-Female

3 7

This image was taken from Robert Temple’s book called The Sirius Mystery.
page 45

Clearly we can see 3 dots surrounded by 7.

This is a model of the Sirius star system according to the Dogon.
Clearly with so many other beLIEfs tuning into the numbers 1-3-7 perhaps we should start to pay attention to the underlying meaning.

Egyptians were obsessed with the conviction that the total number of all deities had to be 37, because of the number’s magical properties.

This was because it combined the sacred numbers of 3 and 7; and, 37 multiplied by any multiple of 3 gave a triple digit or “trinity”: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, etc.

The miraculous number 666 is the product of 3 x 6 x 37.

2B continued as the info is ‘recovered’



pdf file for the book The Sirius Mystery:

Eureka! Archimedes ~ Biomimicry & Cosmomimicry ~ Attractive & Repulsive Magnetic Swastika ~ Initiation ~ the Great Pyramid ~ Jean-Pierre Houdin ~ phi and the Droste Effect

UPDATE October 18, 2022

Mathologer released another insightful video on October 15th, that this blog started in 2012 seems to have anticipated!

UPDATE April 19, 2022

Exactly two years later another update.

Item ID: 1013752268

Moving through abstract fractal point matrix lattice.
Moving infinite square twisted tunnel of shining flares.
Fly into geometric point structure.
Infinite space dynamic background.
Glowing points


MBG from pdf Experimental demonstration of square Fresnel zone plate with chiral side lobes crop

MBG from pdf Experimental demonstration of square Fresnel zone plate with chiral side lobes

source: Experimental demonstration of square Fresnel zone plate with chiral side lobes

UPDATE April 19, 2020

‘The G of the G’ … Golly Gee WiZ … ‘The God of the Gaps’
“God of the Gaps” is a theological perspective in which gaps in scientific knowledge are
taken to be evidence or proof of God’s existence …
Click on above link watch this video Monique Anne  shared … she shared it because she is familiar with our evolving AHA … she is a longtime faKebook friend.
The AHA remains the same providing for plenty of SHOCK and AWE because the AHA keeps evolving or should ME+me suggests the AHA keeps emitting more and more insights [inPHOmation] to those who ponder the wonder long enough will absorb the light … 
Little quips like this are evoked and invoked.
ME+me watched the video and left we left this comment providing a link to this page.
Dear reader take note the pattern in the center is innate to who/what we are …
i.e. ‘the god of the gap/s’ IMHO represents that space between CHIRAL and ACHIRAL geometry as this page shall illustrate … keep reading.
chiral spiral
You could say ACHIRAL perfect symmetry ends where CHIRAL broken symmetry begins or vice versa … CHIRAL broken symmetry ends where perfect symmetry or an ACHIRAL state is attained/found … ?

UPDATE November 24, 2018

I am going to share one video about the Droste effect followed by a few images.
A narrative is unfolding based on ‘coincidences’.

I am the observer.

3D chiral spiral Great Pyramid Houdin2

Clearly the above posting on Facebook by Jean-Pierre Houdin who is the author of the inner spiral ramp theory meshes with Kepler’s Two Treasures.

2D 3D kepler triangle mass of gold precious jewel

DROSTE effectcjgcxa2

On the left we see the Droste effect and on the right is the oldest ‘swastika’ on record, found in Mezin Ukraine and the dating varies between 10,000-23000 BC.

The next two images are based on the work of Rene Schwaller.
I have merely added the text and the highlights to illustrate how our ideas merge.

Canevas Droste middle step is the MBG or 2D CHIRAL binary representation of a spiral movement

Cheery Chiral Wonderhands Widukind Ma and Pa Drost

The above image implies that my mother and father share a similar geometry, the achiral upright cross + and the achiral tilted cross x … and the chiral journey is positioned between them.
It also implies that the ‘droste effect’ can only be understood if you award the right triangle theorem its primacy in how the cosmic algorithm plays itself out.

Above I illustrated how the Great Pyramid via Kepler’s Two Treasures is also associated with both 2D chiral/swastika and 3D chiral/spiral.
Now we take the same ideas but scale them down when discussing cell division, how to go from 4-cell to 8-cell.
Again in the image below, I have added highlights and text to illustrate a convergence or shall I dare say reconciliation between religion and science using the 25,000 year old 2D chiral World TEACHER as guru and guide … ?

achiral vs chiral How a single gene twists a snail_ 3of3 SHaNKHa or CHaNK or CoNCH

I do love the coincidences between the 8-cell and the 8-fold Buddha.
Two of the eight auspicious symbols attributed to the Buddha are the swastika [chiral] and the conch.

What follows are images associated to the Mezin swastika dated to 23,000 BC?

Below the first two rows are ‘chiral metamaterials’ or ‘gammadions’ both terms used in science in lieu of ‘swastika’.
The first two images in the first row are taken from the Mezin swastika.
The next two images are 21st century chiral metamaterials.

Mezine Chiral Metamaterial Swastika 12,000 years old

Nano Mezine

Mezine Chiral Metamaterial Swastika 23,000 BC Slavik Jablan

There is certainly a brand new old narrative re-emerging apparently.

What follows is more evidence of such a narrative.

UPDATE June 28, 2015

Left facing swastika is x4 – y4 = xy
Right facing swastika is y4 – x4 = yx

UPDATE February 16, 2015

The following image was posted on faKebook by Will-Iam Garland and it got me thinking about my mother ‘Mary’ and ‘Ave Maria’.

Four things need to be pointed out in addition to the above insights provided.

  1. the fact that my mother’s maiden name is Drost
  2. the fact that the above image and the letter E is the central theme to the recovery underway found in this blog
  3. the Droste effect plus Widukind is a match made in heaven

UPDATE March 19, 2014

So there is another fellow who has a viable Great Pyramid inner spiral ramp theory nearly identical to the one that Jean-Pierre Houdin has proposed.
(later in the blog Houdin’s superior theory will be discussed)

For years, Scientists and Explorers have debated over the question: How did the Egyptians build the great pyramids? Now a new solution has been found by Italian researcher Elio Diomedi that may provide answers in this controversial documentary.

~end of UPDATE~

Something I just noted today for the first time.
Interesting how enter is an anagram of neter.
And en is how you spell ‘n’

“…the Egyptians did not call their deities ‘Gods’ but Neters (ntrw). This word is usually translated as ‘god(s)’, but from the Egyptian point of view, this is an unsatisfactory rendering.”

Now you can ENter or Nter the ‘N’ 

E  N  T  E  R

Archimedean Spirals

What exactly did Archimedes recover using his ‘spiral’ insights?

For a mathematical introduction to the Archimedean spiral watch the video.

Viewing the sky from the bottom of the initiation well at Quinta da Regaleira

The initiation Wells (or initiatic wells or inverted towers) are two wells, a larger one and a smaller one, that descend into the ground like underground towers lined with stairs. These wells do not serve as water sources, but were purely recreational, serving in Tarot initiation rites. The tunnels described above connect these wells to each other and to various caves or monuments around the park. Of the two wells, the larger one contains a 27 meter spiral staircase spaced by small landings. The spacing of these landings, combined with the number of steps in the stairs are linked to Tarot mysticism. The smaller well has straight stairs that connect ring-shaped floors levels with one another. This well is also called the ‘unfinished well.’ A structure similar to these wells is the Pozzo di S. Patrizio in Italy.

left: looking down the Initiation well
right: Bottom of the Initiation well

Well well what can I say except the Great Pyramid had an initiation well too!
The Lo Shu magic square which helps lay the foundation for the I-Ching speaks of an ‘Ancient Well’

The swastika divided into rectangles in Phi proportions.
Theodore A.  Cook
The Curves of Life ~ 1914

In Chapter XX of The Curves of Life Sir Theodore Andrea Cook presents his final results, and part of this process reveals the links between infinity, the phi spiral, methods of science and the swastika.


Migration of Symbols

by Donald A MacKenzie

This publication links the spiral, the swastika, and the ear and the tree.
It has only 4 chapters.

  1. The Swastika
  2. The Spiral
  3. Ear Symbols
  4. Tree Symbols

It was in the book the Migration Of Symbols that I first came across the connection between Democritus and an atomic vortex theory.
Each of those four chapters can be shown to have associations to the idea of a vortex.

Leucippus and Democritus: atomist philosophers

The complex world is created by a whirling motion of atoms separated from the void.  This motion is like an Anaxagorean or Empedoclean vortex – spinning in a centripetal and centrifugal process.  Democritus took this accepted theory of the vortex and superimposed his atomic theory onto it so that the vortex would work in terms of atoms. The atomist theory creates a new mechanistic method at ground level.  However, these theories of scientific processes (so close to modern atomic theory) were, for these philosophers, pure speculation without experiment.  Amazingly, they were searching and postulating in the darkness of speculation.

A student then asked the question:

How does Democritus explain the weight of things if atoms themselves have no weight? 

Professor Hutchinson then said that Democritus answered that question in terms of centripetal and centrifugal forces.


@14:03 Janine Benyus discusses briefly the MIT radio chip which is based on an algorithm that pays respect to the spiral cochlea of our ear.

MIT – Copying the cochlea

Drawing inspiration from nature to build a better radio

New radio chip mimics human ear, could enable universal radio

The RF cochlea mimics the structure and function of the biological cochlea, which uses fluid mechanics, piezoelectrics and neural signal processing to convert sound waves into electrical signals that are sent to the brain.

As sound waves enter the cochlea, they create mechanical waves in the cochlear membrane and the fluid of the inner ear, activating hair cells (cells that cause electrical signals to be sent to the brain). The cochlea can perceive a 100-fold range of frequencies — in humans, from 100 to 10,000 Hz. Sarpeshkar used the same design principles in the RF cochlea to create a device that can perceive signals at million-fold higher frequencies, which includes radio signals for most commercial wireless applications.

The device demonstrates what can happen when researchers take inspiration from fields outside their own, says Sarpeshkar.

So do you mind if I ponder this Thoth thought >>

Is the Great Pyramid a cosmic hearing aid, maybe both a receiver/transmitter…?

… designed to receive and transmit subtle energies?
Yes I know I AM not the first to propose such an idea, but my approach is unique.

Follow the ‘yellow brick road’?

Two videos discussing the role of the ear.

Matthew 13:43
….my own journey also registers 13:7 (4+3)

“Then the righteous will shine as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father.
Whoever has an ear that will hear, let him hear.”

The web has countless webpages devoted to PHI, the Golden Proportion (sometimes called the Golden Mean).
All these concepts are related to the simple series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, … i.e. the infamous Fibonacci Series.

The series in itself is not such a wonderful thing; in fact, it stands out in its simplicity. However, the mathematics it produces is very interesting.

The amazing thing about Φ is that it can be explored using many different lines of thought, connecting seemingly unrelated ideas. My contribution to this subject is in revealing some lesser known aspects about Φ.

The golden mean as clock cycle of brain waves;

Gary Meisner – “The Phi Guy”

interference 4

Interference Theory of Music Perception by Richard Merrick

Recently I am came across this issue of Parabola.
In this issue the authors/contributors  focus on the labyrinth.
Issue 17-2 published in the summer of 1992. (the year I went to India, the year I got married, and the year Rachel my first child was conceived)

It contains a great article showing correlations between the structures of our inner and outer ear and the labyrinth.

The specific article that I AM referring to is called Poetry, Madness, and the Inner Ear.
Douglas Thorpe the author illustrates the correlations between the idea of a labyrinth, the structure of our hearing system, and how the spiral is a fine analogy for life’s journey.

It also got ME thinking about how lousy a listener I AM has been.

The exterior angle of Silbury of Silbury Hill (30°), is the same as the latitude of the Great pyramid, whose exterior angle (51° 51′), is the same as the latitude of Silbury Hill.

The flattened top has the same diameter as the Stonehenge sarsens.

That is a fascinating coincidence between Silbury Hill and the Great Pyramid once we realize that the Great Pyramid might have an interior spiral ramp too.

How do we connect the above image of a SPIRAL (note this is not a phi spiral) to a spiral, Silbury Hill in England, the AZTEC Calendar Stone, the Aztec Calender Wheel, Time, the body as a temple, and possibly even to how the Great Pyramid was constructed using phi?

52 – Aztec Calender Stone and Calendar Wheel – OLLIN – PhaiStoS disc – OMphalos – the SwaStika as KEY

The following images are taken from the above documentary highlighting the INNER SPIRAL RAMP theory of Jean-Pierre Houdin.
(in the images below ignore the title The Great Pyramid of Egypt *New Evidence* that copy of the video The Khufu Pyramid Revealed was deleted)

Why do the King and Queen shafts BEND?
We must remember it was part of the design … 

During my recent conversations with researcher Jean-Pierre Houdin he has brought it to my attention that the Pyramid Rover, sent up the north QC shaft during the National Geographic-sponsored investigations, found that after the first kink in the shaft it then travelled for approximately 8 metres in a north-westerly direction before bending once again back towards due north. It’s final total length was found to be very similar to that of the QC south shaft, with another ‘door’ at the end. Anyone who wants to verify this should obtain a copy of the 2002 documentary ‘Into the Great Pyramid’ from National Geographic. The relevant animation is at the end.
Jean-Pierre also has some interesting ideas about the shafts which he will reveal in due course. They are related to his views about the construction of the GP (see here). In the meantime he explains the bend in the north QC shaft as being necessitated by the wide trench that would have been above the Grand Gallery during construction when it was being used as part of the counterweight system for bringing up the largest granite blocks.
Jean-Pierre further pointed out that the east-west line shown in Figure 27 of G:TT was in the incorrect place, being too far to the south.
As a result I have redrafted this figure as below.
Ian Lawton
April 2004

source Ian Lawton
above link is dead … image and text retrieved from
WayBack Machine

What interests me in the above image are the N/S zig zag paths that each of the King and Queen’s shafts take.
Something worth remembering and worth investigating.

Hemienu to Houdin: The Inner Workings

How does the work of Jean Pierre Houdin and Christopher Dunn match up?

Prior to coming across the work of Jean Pierre Houdin or Christopher Dunn I had already surmised that that Great Pyramid was designed to transmit or receive subtle energies that define the invisible/unseen world…associated with SOUND.
Om, err AUM do not bother to ask me why I had that THOTH thought.


  • A > The “King’s Chamber”: Hydrogen, sound energy, and solar/lunar energy was collected here and amplified by crystals.
  • A1 & A2 > Solar energy & lunar energy (reflected solar, microwave and other types of energy from space) collected through these shafts. The northern and southern faces were originally shaped like satellite dishes, with collectors to collect and transmit the energy into the King’s Chamber via the shafts. 
  • B > The “Queen’s Chamber”: Hydrogen produced here by mixing zinc chloride and hydrochloric acid 
  • B1 > Hydrated zinc chloride is piped in from the outside through the shaft into the Queen’s Chamber 
  • B2 >  Hydrochloric acid is piped in from the outside through the shaft into the Queen’s Chamber 
  • B3 & B4 > It is possible that the zinc chloride and hydrochloric acid was piped in from the outside, but no external opening has been found. A subterranean chamber in or beneath the pyramid may eventually be found that supplied these or other chemicals for the reaction. 
  • C > The “Subterranean Chamber”: A lesser resonating chamber that produces the bass and sub-bass notes 
  • D > The “Grand Gallery”: The primary resonating chamber, produces the midrange and high notes that, along with the bass from the Subterranean Chamber, creates an F-Sharp chord that is channeled into the King’s Chamber 
  • E >  The “Ascending Passage”: Contains granite “plugs” (E1) that serve as sonic dampers to prevent runaway vibration 
  • F > The “Well Shaft”: Bass notes from Subterranean Chamber travel through here to Grand Gallery 
  • G >  The “Descending Passage”: Access tunnel to the mechanism

The Great Transmitting/Receiving Machine – The Giza Power Plant

2B continued…

Law of Attraction vs. Law of Repulsion 

i.e. Laws pertaining to clockwise vs. anti-clockwise

I came across this very brief video, it clearly shows the relationship between the following:

  1. structure of the swastika
  2. the palindromic Rotas and Sator Square
  3. magnetic lines of force
  4. the Great Pyramid
  5. the Maltese cross

Do you have about 4 minutes to spare?

The following four sets of arrows pertain to the 5×5 Rotas/Sator Magic Square.
It can be read starting from any corner as this graph illustrates.

I am now going to show a series of still images captured from the video plus other images showing a direct correspondence.
Note the times in the bottom left hand corner if you want to review the video.

Clearly if I was going to try to express or convey what magnetism is it would benefit the discussion IF I pointed out the obvious to you.

The white line we see running from the bottom left to top right is a flow of electricity forming a magnetic field, shown by the direction of the arrows.

St. Brigid’s Cross  (above) is clearly a bullseye match for the depiction of a magnetic field in the video ‘Physics Animations’.
a.k.a. St. Brigit’s Cross can be placed inside the image below re: the handcrafted bowl from Samarra Iraq known as Halaf pottery circa 5000 BCE 

Is this an idEA being ‘passed forward’ similar to how genes help carry data/information into the future?

Do you see how the  four sheaves of wheat bundled together in St. Brigid’s Cross are a match for the tail feathers of the birds in the image below?

The square portion of St. Brigits’ Cross fits in the center of the clay bowl surrounded by four 3s and notably we see depictions of fish and birds swirling.

Gospel of Thomas saying #3

Jesus said;

“If those who lead you say to you, ‘See, the kingdom is in the sky,’ then the birds of the sky will precede you.

If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you.

Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.”

In the image below on the left do you see fish and birds in this clay bowl dated to 4500-5000 BC?


Samarra Iraq pottery circa 5000 BCE and St. Brigid’s Cross

Now is it a coincidence or more evidence that we can match up the center of St. Brigit’s Cross with the proposed solution of how the Great Pyramid was constructed using an inner ramp?

It also matches up with the view of the corbelled roof over the chamber inside the mound at Newgrange, the final roof slab is 12 ft (3.6m) above the floor.





Can we match up concentric circles with a model smaller than the Milky Way?
What about how the atom was at one time envisioned?

below we see the Bohr Model with energy levels next to a Feynman diagram trying to convey similar information about photons.

The above image was taken from this book:

Magnetic Shape-shifting!

magnetic shapeshifting

When magnetic fields are present within clouds of charged plasma it is possible for a magnetic field to change its shape. This process is called magnetic Reconnection, and it is one of the most important ways in which the energy stored in a magnetic field can be released.

It cannot happen in a perfect vacuum because charged particles 9 ions, electrons, protons, nuclei) are required in order to create the currents that serve as the mid-wives of the changing process.

Image and explanation of the above LICMIT crystals is found on page 53

Are these two images above and below, suggesting the same IDEA?
i.e. Volume of a sphere?

This link is self-explanatory;

FINALLY I WONDER WHAT the COLOR of a MIRROR has to do with all of the above?

Pay attention around 2:17 and try to find an image that matches the spiral image that we see below re: the Great Pyramid solution.





thanks for the image Dan Winter;


I COUNT  (22 or is it 21)  RAMPS

Here is a THOTH thought worth investigating.

Can we compare the Great Pyramid’s inner ramp as evidence of a listening device?
Was there another intent to installing a spiral on the perimeter?

“While our brains provide us with a tremendous amount of information about the sounds we hear and what they mean to us, at the most basic level our auditory system answers two major questions about any sound.

First, what is the sound? The auditory system must identify what tones or frequencies we are hearing.

And second, where is the sound?

We must be able to locate the origin of the sound in space.

Once we know what sounds we are hearing and where the sounds are coming from, our brains can begin the complex task of assigning meaning to the sounds we hear.”

The spiral below highlighted in green represents higher frequencies felt closer to the base.
Lower frequencies would be felt closer to the apex or top.
This is part of our ear.
Could the Great Pyramid have been utilized for a similar purpose…as a receiver?

Auditory Transduction 

Harun Yahya – The Miracle of the Auditory System

Jesus Christ and the NUMBER 3

slide 34 – UPDATED MICROSOFT POWER POINT PRESENTATION 26.5 MB – wait to load please

IF you place a 3 in the center of the WHEEL of FORTUNE >>> the sequence of numbers 11, 2, 3, 5, 8 forming a W can be broken down further.

11, 2, 3, 5, 8 reveals itself as the FIBONACCI 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

In certain tarot decks designed by Freemason/Rosicrucian/Golden Dawn members, the only two cards where we find the Man, the Bull, the Lion, and the Eagle represented are on Card X – the WHEEL of FORTUNE (image above) and Card XXI – the WORLD CARD (image below)

In the World Card XXI the number3 becomes more apparent.

XXI = 21 = 2+1 = 3

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

But what is the connection to the bigger picture, I mean how do we end up ‘mirroring’ what ‘just is’ is?
Well the ancients did understand and the 1% behind the scenes I suspect do too, but ‘we the mainstream sheeple’ do not look in the mirror ya see, and thus see anything at all.

…thE nuMb3r 3 is part of an EM MEME drEaM thEME pARK?

Studying the SWASTIKA on the NANO level taught me that by using HIGHER light frequencies directed at the outer arm NOT the inner elbow can cause the swastika to REVERSE its rotation as we see above.

Image of the nano light mill motor based on the blessed architecture of the swastika
which allows it to bend or polarize light travelling at the speed of light.

2B continued as the information regarding the swastika continues to be recovered.




do not forget to E X I T  stage left …

37 – The Pattern of the Past

The Pattern of the Past 

by Guy Underwood

  • Hardcover: 192 pages
  • Publisher: Abelard-Schuman Ltd; 1st edition (July 1973)
  • “In this remarkable book Guy Underwood explains how he uses water divining. His basic technique is the standard country technique of holding a cleft stick, walking across a field, and watching the stick move when water is present. He then goes on to explain that as well as water lines he can detect energy lines that do not have water under them. He reports that cattle follow these energy lines when they walk across fields. He then goes on to explain how Norman churches build by the Masons in the UK after 1066 also follow these energy lines. Underwood explains how the natural shapes of the lines have lead to the various unique church architectures (such as curved ends around the alter) found in some old churches. The latter part of the book is even more extraordinary in that he states that stone circles (such as Stonehenge) are also built on the same energy lines. He argues that the asymmetries in Stonehenge are there on purpose to match the underlying energy lines, and not the result of wear and tear. Underwood has identified burried stone circles which have been uncovered by archeologists. He also proposes that many Norman churches are built on top of ancient stone circles. It would be excellent if a) science was able to replicate his data and b) if some scientific explanation could be found to match the data. Perhaps he is picking up on a subtle effect in the Earth’s magnetic field, or perhaps an electric field. Or conceivably that some other phenomena is at play here.”  -Robert G. Bowerman

Guy mentions the 3 and 7 at least twice* when discussing the subtle Earth Forces.
*I AM not finished reading the book….

The Geo Group

Finding Places of Power: Dowsing Earth Energies

>>> more info on the guy called Guy:

2B continued as the inPHO arrives via the ?



37 ~ gENEs in mtDNA ~ and the Neanderthal

UPDATE March 30, 2015

One day later and while innocently browsing through Anthony Judge’s website I came upon another ’37’ re-discovery!

Number 37 as indicative of fruitful pathways of transformation?

37 Tonal values in hexagonal lattice array
(Reproduced from Ernest McClain, 1981, p. 95)
Meditations Through the Quran: tonal images in an oral culture

UPDATE March 29, 2015

This coincidence seems worthy of posting.
I wonder if scientists know they are being played like zeros and ones by the cosmic fiddler Nero?

Scientists have sequenced a 37,000-year-old genome.
The results show that present-day Scandinavians are the closest living relatives to the first people in Europe.

An international team of scientists have sequenced the genome of a 37,000-year-old male skeleton found in Kostenki in Russia.

The study, which was recently published in Science, sheds entirely new light on who we are as Europeans.

“From a genetic point of view he’s an European,” says Professor Eske Willerslev, Director of the Centre for GeoGenetics at the University of Copenhagen, who was involved in the new study, and adds:

“Actually, he is closer to Danes, Swedes, Finns and Russians than to Frenchmen, Spaniards and Germans”.

And I do find the above interesting.
Widukind the last Saxon to oppose Charlemagne found refuge with the Danes before eventually converting to Christianity.

And he did say Neanderthals and modern man interbred about 57,000 years ago.
Another ’37’ coincidence.

~ end of UPDATE ~


Neanderthals … They’re Just Like Us?

Well, not exactly. But new discoveries have had a surprisingly humanizing effect.

According to a new study that analyzed traces of Neanderthal DNA in present-day humans, Neanderthals may have been interbreeding with some of the ancestors of modern Eurasians as recently as 37,000 years ago. And another recent study found that Asian and South American people possess an even greater percentage of Neanderthal genes.

“These are complexities in the out-of-Africa story that certainly I would not have anticipated two or three years ago,” said Chris Stringer, a paleoanthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London.

A Draft Sequence of the Neanderthal Genome

The draft sequence of the Neanderthal genome, published in the journalScience in 2010, provided the first compelling genetic evidence that Neanderthals and H. sapiens had more in common than just an ancestor in Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Did Neanderthal Genes Cause the Advancement of Human Civilization?

Let’s look at the facts: modern humans made basically zero progress for over 163,000 years. They didn’t invent much. They didn’t develop any significant societies. They didn’t build much of anything. They were basically hunter-gatherers that did not make any technological progress for 163,000 years.

To put that in perspective, virtually all of human progress has been made over the last 37,000 years.

 37 gENEs in mtDNA


In most multicellular organisms, the mtDNA is organized as a circular, covalently closed, double-stranded DNA. But in many unicellular (e.g. the ciliateTetrahymena or thegreen algaChlamydomonas reinhardtii) and in rare cases also in multicellular organisms (e.g. in some species of Cnidaria) the mtDNA is found as linearly organized DNA. Most of these linear mtDNAs possess telomerase independent telomeres (i.e. the ends of the linear DNA) with different modes of replication, which have made them interesting objects of research, as many of these unicellular organisms with linear mtDNA are known pathogens.[16]

For human mitochondrial DNA (and probably for that of metazoans in general), 100-10,000 separate copies of mtDNA are usually present per cell (egg and sperm cells are exceptions). In mammals, each double-stranded circular mtDNA molecule consists of 15,000-17,000[17]base pairs. The two strands of mtDNA are differentiated by their nucleotide content with the guanine rich strand referred to as the heavy strand, and the cytosine rich strand referred to as the light strand.

The heavy strand encodes 28 genes, and the light strand encodes 9 genes for a total of 37 genes.

Of the 37 genes, 13 are for proteins (polypeptides), 22 are for transfer RNA (tRNA) and two are for the small and large subunits of ribosomal RNA (rRNA).

This pattern is also seen among most metazoans, although in some cases one or more of the 37 genes is absent and the mtDNA size range is greater.

Even greater variation in mtDNA gene content and size exists among fungi and plants, although there appears to be a core subset of genes that are present in all eukaryotes (except for the few that have no mitochondria at all).

Some plant species have enormous mtDNAs (as many as 2,500,000 base pairs per mtDNA molecule) but, surprisingly, even those huge mtDNAs contain the same number and kinds of genes as related plants with much smaller mtDNAs.[18]


But what do we make of these coincidences?

This particular Oracle, the Great Star Guide contains the names of 37‘ entities and clearly most of them are names of angELs.

I just happen to notice another coincidence … I wore the number 23 as MVP of my high school basketball team…I also go by the name Raphael.
The angel below on the Star Guide #23 is Raphael.
Yin is 2 and Yang is 3.

Zoroaster Great Star Guide

The Great Star Guide

37 angEL‘s = Zoroaster’s Oracle ‘template’

Great link the source of those Zoroaster images in this blog…unfortunately they are in German:

but wait … what have we here?
The Seed/Flower/Fruit of Life and37

click on link:


The following information including an image I had posted ended up becoming a dead link.

Snapshots in time (nondimensionalized) of the implosion/explosion of a hexagonal shock in a square box.

But I managed to locate a Jorgenson at NASA who might fit the bill.

“We took the alphabet and put it into a matrix — like a calendar. We numbered the columns and rows, and we could identify each letter with a pair of single-digit numbers,” Jorgensen said. “So we silently spelled out ‘NASA’ and then submitted it to a well-known Web search engine. We electronically numbered the Web pages that came up as search results. We used the numbers again to choose Web pages to examine. This proved we could browse the Web without touching a keyboard,” Jorgensen explained.

Scientists are testing new, ‘noncontact’ sensors that can read muscle signals even through a layer of clothing.


So at the end of the daze what do we have here exactly?
An apparent coincidence or evidence that we are sharing in the same gene-meme-dream-themes that keep reinventing themselves over and over and over again till we get it….?

I do lean toward Stan Gooch’s theory suggesting that Neanderthal INTUITION is today being verified and subsequently it must be vilified by 21st century LOGIC which is about to kick itself in the but! but! butt! because we have been such arses!
The late Stan Gooch after many years of research and study concluded the I-Ching was the ‘flowering’ of the Neanderthal sciences.
I feel the QaBaLaH is an extension of this INTUITIVE line of LOGIC too. 😉

Suggesting in the end that science and religion MUST reconcILE, with the result that science will prove itself to have been a religion and religion was in fact based on a science.

ta da

Did the NEanderthal MiNd play a role in the Eternal Story of the W and Z?




2B continued:
more evidence that coincidences are evidence of what we fail to comprehend still to come.

37 – The Mother of Books (Islamic Mystical Literature)

The Mother of Books


Umm al-Kitāb – an expression which means literally “the mother of the book”. It appears three times in the Ḳurʾān (III, 7; XIII, 39; XLIII, 4), but has no equivalent in the earlier Semitic languages.

In general usage it appears in about forty ḥadīt̲h̲ s, but it should be noted that, there also, the expression retains an enigmatic character. This explains why all authors ( mufassirūn , philologists, mystics, etc.) generally interpreted it in a number of different ways. It most often denotes the heavenly prototype ( aṣl ) of the Ḳurʾān, and is identified as “The Well-Guarded Tablet” ( al-lawḥ al-maḥf…

Some of the ideas shared in this book (as we see below) in fact revolve around the numbers 7, 12 (1+2=3), 19 (1+9=10=1), and 5 which can be expressed as 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9

Which happens to form a cross within the Lo Shu Magic Square.


And it is not difficult to connect the Lo Shu grid to the idea of inverse square law and the 1×1, 2×2, 3×3 grids we see below.


highlights in red are mine

2b continued


137 Prime Curios!

The first ‘137 prime curio’ that I want to report on or bring to your attention is the curious ‘identity theft’ by this woman here.
The theft occurred at high noon during prime time.   😉

About Patti

Patti Digh is the author of six books, including bestsellers Life is a Verb and Creative is a Verb. She travels the world teaching others about mindfulness: to live fully, love well, let go deeply, and make a difference. Patti’s comments have appeared on PBS and in The New York TimesFortune, the Wall Street Journal, the London Financial Times, and many other international publications.

She writes a thank you note every morning.

Dear Patti,

I dig U.
(btw how do you pronounce your last name?)
But I am sure you have heard such flattery before.
You probably have had a long line of at least 37 fellas (maybe even 137!) try to pull on your heART strings or play the same ole’ MiNd games that John Lennon was hinting at and singin’ about back in 1973 that people were playing and still are…

I turned 16 in 1973.
1973 marked the first year humans would never ever leave the safety of the earth again.
In fact the only people to breech the safe zone (i.e. staying within the earth’s atmosphere) are the Apollo program astronauts.
No other astronauts before or since Apollo have left the relative safety of the earth’s atmosphere contained within the Van Allen belts.
Not ONE before or since.

**Did we ever go?



**Now the reason I had to throw in the part about the moon is because I came across this piece of coincidental information just today.
And today (October 19, 2013) is actually an addendum to the original blog you are presently reading.

37 year mystery dating back to 1973

And why approximately 37 years after 1973 did I start to manifest a 137-9 theory regarding ‘Fiat Lux‘?

137-9 Mesoamerica Code – FIAT * LUX


Yes my 137 AHAs started arriving in full force after I read Arthur I. Miller’s book called 137 Decipering the Cosmic Code back in 2010.
As this forum I belonged to in 2010 attests.
I posted the following discussion on Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:20 pm.

“Why 137?” – help decipher share in Solomon’s Treasure $100K

I came across this next website recently and it offers an analysis of the book and it gives my research into ‘137’ an honorable mention too.

Groupname for Grapejuice: 137 tipkcoC

And Patti if you take a look at this site, I AM sure you will appreciate what it has to offer, its insights are meant for you too.
How do I know?

It was posted on your birthday this year on Sunday August 18, 2013

One of Jung’s Mandala’s taken from his masterpiece

What’s in a NaME?
What’s in a NuMb3r?

…and which came first?

So why does everybody want to control the ‘logos’, a form of ‘branding’ clearly linked to geometry?

Should we go ask Pythagoras or Plato why we still wrestle with the same ideas thousands of years later?

Infamous 3 Sevens logo

The AWB, Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging was formed on 7 July 1973 in a garage in HeIdELberg, a town southeast of Johannesburg, in the then Transvaal Province of South Africa. Eugène Terre’Blanche, a former police officer, became disillusioned by then-Prime Minister B.J. Vorster’s “liberal views,” as well as what he viewed as communist influences in South African society.

The AWB flag is composed of three black sevens (forming a triskelion) in a white circle upon a red background.
According to AWB, the sevens, ‘the number of JAHWEH‘, ‘stand to oppose the number 666, the number of the anti-Christ‘.

Red is considered to represent Jesus‘ blood, while black stands for bravery and courage.

The inner white circle symbolises the “eternal struggle”, or according to other sources “eternal life”.[20] The flag bears a resemblance to theSwastika flag used by the Nazi Party and Nazi Germany.

note the hexagon structure in the center of the lattice grid
6 surrounding the center 7

The Magnificent 7 – the number of JAHWEH

Eugène Terre’Blanche decided to form the AWB with six other like-minded persons and was elected leader of the organisation, a position he held until his death in April 2010.

Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

6 around 1 

6 around 1 archetypes seem to work magic in the formation of Neo-Nazis groups all over the world…

7/7/1973 group was formed  

37 years later in 2010 the founder of AWB is killed.

What is the significance of the number 137 in physics?


The importance of the number 137 is that it is related to the so-called ‘fine-structure constant’ of quantum electrodynamics. This derived quantity is given by combining several fundamental constants of nature: 

where e is the charge on the electron, c is the speed of light, h-bar is Planck’s constant and the epsilon represents the permittivity of free space. Despite the fact that each of these constants have their own dimensions, the fine-structure constant is completely dimensionless! 

The importance of the constant is that it measures the strength of the electromagnetic interaction. It is precisely because the constant is so small (i.e. 1/137 as opposed to 1/3 or 5 or 100…) that quantum electrodynamics (QED) works so amazingly well as a quantum theory of electromagnetism. It means that when we go to calculate simple processes, such as two electrons scattering off one another through the exchange of photons, we only need to consider the simple case of one photon exchange — every additional photon you consider is less important by a factor of 1/137. This is why theorists have been so successful at making incredibly accurate predictions using QED. By contrast, the equivalent ‘fine-structure’ constant for he theory of strong interactions (quantum chromodynamics or QCD) is just about 1 at laboratory energy scales. This makes calculating things in QCD much, much more involved. 

It is worth noting that the fine-structure ‘constant’ isn’t really a constant. The effective electric charge of the electron actually varies slightly with energy so the constant changes a bit depending on the energy scale at which you perform your experiment. For example, 1/137 is its value when you do an experiment at very low energies (like Millikan’s oil drop experiment) but for experiments at large particle-accelerator energies its value grows to 1/128.


Coupling Constants for the Fundamental Forces

In attributing a relative strength to the four fundamental forces, it has proved useful to quote the strength in terms of a coupling constant. The coupling constant for each force is a dimensionless constant.

The links below take you to some information about determining the value of the coupling constants.

Coupling Constants
Strong 1
Electromagnetic 1/137
Weak 10-6
Gravity 10-39

137 and the Holy Crown

Historical Origin of the Fine Structure Constant Part 1

Historical Origin of the Fine Structure Constant Part 2

Prime Curios!

+ The only known primeval number whose sum of digits equals the number of primes “contained.”

+ 137 is a self-referencing “tweet” on the social networking site Twitter.

+ 137 is the largest prime factor of 123456787654321.

+ The reciprocal of the fine-structure constant of electromagnetism is close to 137. Throughout his life, physicist Wolfgang Pauli had been preoccupied with the question of why the fine-structure constant has this value. He died in Room 137 of the Rotkreuz hospital in Zürich, Switzerland.

+ The start of twelve consecutive primes with symmetrical gaps about the center.

+ William Shanks (1812-1882), a British amateur mathematician, manually calculated the logarithms of 2, 3, 5, and 10 to 137 decimal places in 1853.

+ 2137 – 1 is a semiprime (containing exactly two prime factors). [Brillhart]

+ 137 divides 11111111.

+ The most frequent digits to occur among primes less than 1010 start out 1, 3, and 7, in that order. [McCranie]

+ “And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, an hundred and thirty and seven years: and he gave up the ghost and died; and was gathered unto his people.” (Genesis 25:17, KJV)

+ The sum of the squares of the digits of 137 is another prime and all five odd digits are used. [Trotter]

+ The number seven occurs 137 times in the Book of Revelation (KJV). [Blanton]

+ 137 is the first integer parameter n1 in Gilson’s formula α(n1, n2) = n2cos(π/n1)tan(π/(n1n2))/π for the value of the fine structure constant α = α(137, 29) = 0.0072973525318….

+ The sum of Rosie’s measurements (42-39-56) equals 137 in the song “Whole Lotta Rosie” by the Australian hard rock band AC/DC.

+ The greatest prime factor of any 8-digit repdigit is 137. [La Haye]

+ The Hawaiian Island chain is made up of 137 islands, islets, and shoals.

+ 1372 = 1 (mod 391). [Croll]

+ A molecule of chlorophylla, C55H72MgN4O5, consists of 137 atoms. [Blanton]

+ The sum of the squares of the first seven digits of pi is the smallest such prime: 3^2 + 1^2 + 4^2 + 1^2 + 5^2 + 9^2 + 2^2 = 137. [Post]

+ 137 * 2^(3 * 137^2) + 1 is prime. Note that 137 appears twice. [Buddenhagen and McCranie]

+ 137 * 2^523283 + 1 is prime. [McCranie]

+ The James A. FitzPatrick nuclear power plant on the shore of Lake Ontario has 137 control rods. [Gonyeau]

+ 137 is the Chilean National Sea Rescue emergency number. [Vogel]

+ (137!-1)/139 is prime. Note that 137 and 139 are twin primes. [Gallardo]

+ Mabkhout (1993) showed that every number x^4 + 1, for x > 3, has a prime factor greater than or equal to 137. He used a classical result of Størmer. [Post]

+ The numerical value of the Hebrew word Kabbalah is 137 (using the “common” Hebrew gematria method), which is equal to the combined value of the words chochmah (73), “wisdom,” and nevuah (64), “prophecy.” [Scholem]

+ One of the math papers of Ted Kaczynski (also known as the Unabomber) is Boundary Functions for Bounded Harmonic Functions, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 137.

+ Baseball player Barry Bonds batted in 137 runs in 2001, his highest yearly total to date. [McCranie]

+ 2137 reversed is prime. [Nash]

+ Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov played 137 draws in chess. [McCranie]

+ On the day before his presidential inauguration, Barack H. Obama made a 137-mile train trip from Philadelphia to Washington, DC. [McCranie]

+ The smallest prime with 3 distinct digits that remains prime if any one of its digits is removed. [Post]

+ The comic book series Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane ran for 137 issues (March 1958 to October 1974).

+ 137^(odd power) = 137 mod (17 * 23); 137^(even power) = 1 mod (17 * 23). [Sirag]

+ Feynmanium (symbol Fy) is informally used for a hypothetical chemical element of atomic number is 137, which has not been observed to occur naturally, nor has been synthesized, nor is it known if this element is physically possible. [Post]

+Animal Kingdom won the 137th Kentucky Derby. [Cuenta]

+ The full chemical name for caffeine is 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine.

+ The first three solutions to the Tower of Hanoi & End of the World game/puzzle using 1, 2 & 3 discs is the sequence 1,3,7. [Phillips]

There are 11 curios for this number that have not yet been approved by an editor.

More 137 Curiosities

 The Old Man of Hoy is a 449 feet (137 m) sea stack of red sandstone perched on a plinth of igneous basalt rock, close to Rackwick Bay on the west coast of the island of Hoy, in the Orkney Islands, Scotland. It is a distinctive landmark seen from the Thurso to Stromness ferry, MV Hamnavoe, and is a famous rock climb. It is close to another famous site, The Dwarfie Stane.

One of the nicest lawyers I ever had the pleasure to meet was a fella by the name of G. Hoy.
And of course I met him when we were living on Highway 7.

Herr ‘G’ Hoy helped my folks incorporate many many years ago…he suggested a company name called RAM-RAK which was based on the REVERSE spelling of my parents given names, MARia – KARl
3 + 3 letters = star of david = a star is born?

And btw Karl Maria Willigut the high ranking NAZI occultist agrees with me that angELs are angLEs.

hEIL hItLEShocked

 ‘Aithar-beings’ found themselves in constant struggle with ‘water-beings’ taking shape in the same period. They were ‘sexless’ and propagated themselves as Hymir-born, in the beginning Kymir, Angles later called Angels, by means of their ‘concentration of their will’, in order at a later time, to gain spiritual union with the water beings which were developing with the same mode of propagation. How this process could be explained in more detail is not expressed in the ‘Irminsaga’ and without the Runo tablets remains inexplicable. 

page 99 of The Secret King

Ain’t that a lark Karl?
Hey Papa don’t worry I AM a rolling stoner in REVERSE gear on my way to ‘getting it’ and returning to the source called YA or is it AY?  Wink
Love YA, my father who heART in heaven.

AY was the penultimate Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt’s 18th dynasty. He held the throne of Egypt for a brief four-year period (probably 1323–1319 BCE[1] or1327–1323 BCE, depending on which chronology is followed),

So the Old Man Hoy has given us a connection between the Scottish Freemasons and Noah’s Ark which was 137 meters long.
But obvioulsy the Ark was long (x-axis/male) NOT high (y-axis/female/Long Anna).  Wink

Achtung babe, there is more for U2 absorb of my 10cc nocturnal emissions. Laughing

 HELIgoland (German: Helgoland; Heligolandic: deät Lun [“the Land”]) is a small German archipelago in the North Sea. 


The Long Anna is the emblem of the German North Sea island of Heligoland . She is a 47 meters high and about 25,000 tons of heavy, free-standing rock ( surf pillars ) made ​​of red sandstone with a floor area of 180 sqm in the extreme northwest of the island. (Stonehenge is oriented to the northeast) 


The 1379 narrative continues…and with the introduction of Henry Sinclair as the Earl of Orkney the plot thickens.

Three cousins – Alexander de L’Arde, Lord of Caithness; Malise Sparre, Lord of Skaldale; and Henry Sinclair – were rivals for the succession to the earldom of Orkney. On August 2, 1379, at Marstrand, near Tønsberg, Norway, King Haakon VI of Norway invested and confirmed Sinclair as the Norwegian Earl of Orkney over a rival claim by his cousin Malise Sparre.[3] In return Henry pledged to pay a fee of 1000 nobles before St. Martin’s Day (November 11), and, when called upon, serve the king on Orkney or elsewhere with 100 fully armed men for 3 months.

The alleged voyage to North America

Almost nothing more is known about Sinclair’s life. However, much has been written through conjecture about his supposed career as an explorer. In 1784, he was identified by Johann Reinhold Forster[7] as possibly being the Prince Zichmni described in letters allegedly written around the year 1400 by the Zeno brothers of Venice, in which they describe a voyage throughout the North Atlantic under the command of Zichmni.[8]

The authenticity of the letters (which were allegedly rediscovered and published in the early 16th century), the exact course of the voyage, as well as whether it even took place, are challenged by historians. Most regard the letters (and the accompanying map) as a hoax by the Zenos, their publishers.[9] Moreover, the identification of Zichmni as Henry Sinclair has not been accepted by most historians, although it is taken for granted by the supporters of the theory.

Some supporters of the theory contend that there are stone carvings of American plants in Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland.[10][11] The Chapel was built by Henry Sinclair’s grandson William Sinclair and was completed in 1486. Columbus made his first voyage in 1492. This is seen by writers Christopher Knight andRobert Lomas as being compelling evidence for the theory that Sinclair had sailed to America,[10] although scholars have said the plants are simply stylised depictions of common European plants.[12]

In addition, some writers such as Native American historian Evan Pritchard have claimed that Glooscap, the spiritual hero figure of the Micmac people, is in fact a depiction of an early European explorer, most likely Henry Sinclair.[13][14]

The claim that Henry Sinclair explored North America has been popularised by several other authors, notably by Frederick J. Pohl,[15] Andrew Sinclair,[16]Michael Bradley,[17] William S. Crooker (who claimed to have discovered Henry Sinclair’s castle in Nova Scotia),[18] Steven Sora,[19] and more recently by David Goudsward.[20] The claim is based on several separate propositions:

  1. That the letters and map ascribed to the Zeno brothers and published in 1558 are authentic.

  2. That the voyage described in the letters as taken by Zichmni around the year 1398 to Greenland actually reached North America.

  3. That Zichmni is Henry Sinclair.,_Earl_of_Orkney

137 – Constantine the Great and his heirs …

The eldest son of Constantine the Great and Fausta, after the death of his half-brother Crispus, Constantine II was born in Arles in February 316[2] and raised as a Christian. On 1 March 317, he was made Caesar;[3] at the age of seven, in 323, he took part in his father’s campaign against the Sarmatians.[4] At age ten he became commander of Gaul, following the death of Crispus.

Constans (LatinFlavius Julius Constans Augustus)[1] (c.323[1][2]–350) was Roman Emperor from 337 to 350. He defeated his brother Constantine II in 340, but anger in the army over his personal life and preference for his barbarian bodyguards led the general Magnentius to rebel, resulting in the assassination of Constans in 350.

Constantius II (LatinFlavius Julius Constantius Augustus;[1][2] 7 August 317 – 3 November 361) wasRoman Emperor from 337 to 361. The second son of Constantine I and Fausta, he ascended to the throne with his brothers Constantine II and Constans upon their father’s death.

Constantine II (LatinFlavius Claudius Constantinus Augustus)[1] (January/February 316 – 340) wasRoman Emperor from 337 to 340. Son of Constantine the Great and co-emperor alongside his brothers, his attempt to exert his perceived rights of primogeniture led to his death in a failed invasion of Italy in 340.

Please remember to remember that phallic symbols are related to the IDEA of prime numbers, i.e. the obELIsk, and of course the pricks and the one dick that tries to run the world?

ObELIsks were erected throughout Rome in order to guide pilgrims on their jubILEe journeys.

And remember to remember it is rumored that the grand-vater of Jesus was in fact called HELI.

Please do not wake me up from my dreamy state of mind and put me back to shleep.
What I AM is onto something bigger than all of us….
But it appears to be dimensionless.

Stay thirsty my friends.


As long as we are discussing the rats who have it backwards and see themselves as star, found in the Vatican i.e. St. BeneDICK fromerly the Rat-singer shall we step inside the DOME in the Basilica and measure it?
The Dome not the dick.

137 feet

TeLEoIs and 137

1940. Prophecy based on the Teleois, a system used by all ancient wise men and lately rediscovered. A mysterious series of numbers and proportions found in musical scales, distances of planets from the sun, designs of snowflakes, etc., it was used to transmit knowledge and prophecy from one civilization to another.

Front Cover

Prophecies Of Melchizedek In The Great Pyramid And The Seven Temples – Page 

The 7 Sacred Temples and the Mathematical Correlations
There are 7 Sacred Temples around the world that are said to have been built by a high order of priests that were great mathematicians. These Temples were built to what is known as the Teleois Proportions. These are specific circles, that when drawn in to these temples, the intersections of them point to exact dates of important events in the evolution of man. These proportions are also part of other structures, such as the design of snow flakes, the skeleton of man and our Solar System. 

The base Numbers of the proportions are 1,4,7 and 13. In the Mystic Quadrate System this represents 1 Planetary Cycle divided into 4 Seasons with 7 Planetary periods and made up of 13 increments. But there is another amazing correlation. In the progression tables used only in The Mystic Quadrate System, there is an Age Column and a Plate or Quadrate Column. In the Yearly, Seasonal, Lunar and Weekly tables, when ever the Age Column reduces to one of the four base numbers of the Teleois Proportions, the corresponding Quadrate or Plate is also one those four numbers. This reveals that the increments of motion within The Mystic Quadrate System, are in perfect harmony with the structure of the world around us, including the Solar System as defined by the Teleois Proportions.

The Gann Wheel

Chapter 3-A Lesson From the John Floor!,%20Granville%20-%20The%20Patterns%20of%20Gann.pdf

How The Gann Wheel Is A Pivot Calculator

Book XI
Gann and the Teleois

starting on page 246,%20Granville%20-%20The%20Patterns%20of%20Gann.pdf

Whether or not Gann had a knowledge of the Teleois is a matter of conjecture on my part. Although he never mentions it by name, there appears to be times when he is referring to it.

Whether he did that or not I know there are Teleois angles on the Square of Nine chart.

What is the Teleois, you ask. Good question.

The word itself seems to mean perfect from what little I have found about the word.
Whether that means the Teleois numbers are perfect, I don’t know, since in many writings I have found several numbers referred to as perfect numbers. Some are Teleois and some are not.
My introduction to the Teleois came from a book written about 1940 called “The Prophecies of Melchizedek” by Brown Landone. Landone found Teleois relationships in the Great Pyramids, the planets, the human body, etc. I will not recount those relationships here as that would be going down a different path and as I have said in a number of my writings, we have to stay on the path we are on and go down those other paths later.

He listed the basal Teleois proportions as 1, 4, 7.
He listed the primary Telois proportions as 13, 19, 25, 31.
He listed the secondary Telois proportions as 10, 16, 22, 28.

If we list those numbers in numerical order we can see a PATTERN.

1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31

Swastika Applications ~ the Paladin

full size image:

Q/ What does Paladin mean?

A/ Paladin means “a person who fights for a cause” a hero/holy fighter

Swastika Paladin Fri 04-30-1993 The swastika or more properly the tetraskelion, gramadion or croixpatt*e, has been found in pre Columbia America, in Central Asia, China, Japan, through out Europe etc. It’s found among people as varied as the Etruscans, Hindus, Celts, Aztecs, Mayans, American Indians, Teutonic and Nordic peoples etc. The swastika has represented many things to many people who never heard of Christ! It has represented the spinning wheel of life, time, progress, the four elements, seasons, health, wealth, prosperity and/or blessing in many myths & cultures around the world. The Swastika refers only to the rt. hand spinning cross such as used in Nazi Germany, the more correct & older version is called the Swavastika and spins the opposite direction. Hitler subverted the older symbol for his own perverse reasons. The left hand Swavastika refer to the male & the right hand Swastika refers female. In Hinduism the swastika has represented two forms of Brahma. Clockwise it represents Pravritti or the evolution of the universe flowing outward & counter clockwise it represented Nirvritti the involution of the universe. In India it represented Ganesa & Kali. In Ancient Persia the left hand swastika was used to represent sacred fire to their priests. Its left arm up representing receptivity and its right arm down representing blessing. The Swavastika has represented Thor’s hammer spinning in Norse mythology and the cycle of time in Hindu and American Indian myth & legend. In many cultures it was a symbol of the power of the sun, a symbol of good fortune. It has also been a symbol of Dyaus, Zeus, Jupiter as well as Thor. In China its call Lei-wen meaning thunder-scroll. In some cultures the right spinning Swastika has been used to denote the vernal sun and the left autumnal the sun. As the fylfot it has been used as a Christian symbol of the cross and a decoration at the bottom of church windows for centuries.

Although some scholars think the Swastika originated in Assyria or India there is no single common origin for the Swastika because it can easily be discovered by anyone studying simple designs made in squares!

The only thing known for sure about the swastika is that the symbol predates both Hitler & Christ.


I noted this was posted on the internet on  Fri 04-30-1993 Which reduces/morphs into 7 1993 >>> 13799 rotated 180 degrees >>> 66LEI or how about:

6I6LE   >>> bIbLE

just sayin’ because it matched the ‘numerical’ code recovered.

379I9 rotated 6I6LE

Christian Priest holding the Lalibela Cross ~ Ethiopia

E=mc^2 is equivalent to Mass @ Rest

The Christian Lalibela Cross Ethiopia on the right has been rotated 180 degrees.
A definite clue ~ note the direction of each pair of the swastikas on both the horizontal and vertical axis changes with the rotation – BUT in the center the Maltese/Templar Crusader cross appears to be mass at rest or E=mc^2.

And there is one more thing to note, it is the asymmetry of the N/S axis.
Note one end has one cross placed in the center and two crosses on the corners tilted upward.

xyz + time

And if the Lalibela cross represents a modEL of the x-axis and y-axis, the priest holding the cross must in some way represent the z-axis plus time.

